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    Many bugfixes were made. License: Free To Use But Restricted. URL: - % - % - % - % -. As of today, Castor has been added to the list of open source projects that can be used with the RefactorIT open source license.. Aqris

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    -- > RefactorIT. Featured on the RefactorIT home page is a link to the Agile Software.. manuals herein (including articles, FAQs, samples) is provided under this License.. RefactorIT - Refactoring Browser for Oracle JDeveloper.. Extremely low overhead and the license policy allow developers to launch every application with. As of today, Castor has been added to the list of open

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    source license.. RefactorIT - Comprehensive refactoring tool targeted at the needs of Corporate developers. Publisher: Oliver Wihler Version: 2.6 License Type: Demo. The commercial license sells for $ 200. Download from Sincerely, Oliver Wihler + RefactorIT is a Java refactoring, audit and metrics tool... + + Common Public License 1.0 +

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    RefactorIT is a comprehensive refactoring and source analyses tool... or components only allowing the permitted use